Tag: Study in Türkiye & Taiwan

  • Life In Türkiye: Ultimate Guide to Transportation and Travel in Ankara & Turkey

    Welcome to TürkiyeTaiwan! Want to know how to do intercity bus, high-speed train, train, metro, and bus travel in Turkey? After living in Turkey for a year, we have compiled many practical transportation methods and tips. Today, we will provide you with a detailed introduction on how to use public transportation to get around Ankara…

  • How To Apply Short Term Exchange Student Residence Permit In Türkiye

    All Details About How To Apply Short Term Exchange Student Residence Permit In Türkiye – Mandarin chinese Version Please Click Here Welcome to TürkiyeTaywan! This article will guide you through the process of applying for a short-term exchange student residence permit in Turkey, extending your residence permit, and applying for a residence permit while renting…

  • 安卡拉大學交換生 超詳細居留證申請攻略

    All Details About How To Apply Short Term Exchange Student Residence Permit In Türkiye – English Version Please Click Here *圖片來源於網路 歡迎來到TürkiyeTayiwan! 本篇將帶帶您一起看看如何在土耳其申請短期交換生居留證、如何延長居留證、如何在外租屋申請居留證等資訊,與各種筆者遇到過的疑難雜症與解決之道。 一般來說交換生通常會在宿舍入住日期公佈後,才會正式進入土耳其,居留證則是準備好資料後由安卡拉大學國合處辦理。但筆者當時急著想見到遠距離的男朋友😆所以一時衝動在一個月前就抵達了安卡拉。因此筆者的情況較特殊,也在這裡分享給大家! 🌟🌟來到土耳其30天內一定要開始申請居留證!只要一進入申請程序便不會被視為非法滯留。 步驟一 進入移民署網站填寫申請資料 移民署網站: https://www.goc.gov.tr/ 1.進入網站,點 e-ikamet  2.第一次申請點 ilk kez ikamet izni başvurusu yapıyorum 3.點 Yeni bir başvuru yapmak istiyorum  4.填入你所有的資料 🌟在填寫資料時可以至安卡拉大學Tandoğan 校區Uluslararası Öğrenci Koordinatörlüğü ,那裡有會說英文的學生能夠幫助您填寫 🌟填寫過程若需要暫時存檔,可按kaydet,移民署會傳簡訊至你的手機,只要在進入網頁後點入「Başvuruma devam etmek istiyorum」,輸入你的確認碼「Doğrulama Kodu」,和申請碼「…

  • Introduction Of School of Languages and History-Geography of Ankara University

    安卡拉大學語文歷史與地理學院介紹 安卡拉大學是土耳其建立共和國後,國父凱末爾親自建立的第一所大學。 而我們今天要介紹的文史地學院Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi,則是安卡拉大學第一個以學院形式所建立的學術單位。 Ankara University was the first university established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founding father of the Republic of Turkey. The School of Language, History, and Geography, which is as knowns as Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, was the first academic unit established in college form within…