Introduction Of School of Languages and History-Geography of Ankara University



而我們今天要介紹的文史地學院Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi,則是安卡拉大學第一個以學院形式所建立的學術單位。

Ankara University was the first university established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founding father of the Republic of Turkey. The School of Language, History, and Geography, which is as knowns as Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, was the first academic unit established in college form within Ankara University.

地理位置 Address

文史地學院位在Ankara 省的 Altındağ 區,地鐵metro 至Sıhhiye 站,從左側TCDD出口(有長廊的出口)出站,走路五分鐘即可抵達。
Hacettepe Mh, Sıhhıye Kavşağı, 06100 Altındağ/Ankara

文史地學院內的系所們 Departments

1.Antropoloji Bölümü
Fizik Antropoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
1.Department of Anthropology Physical Anthropology Major1.類學系  
Paleoantropoloji Ana Bilim DalıPaleoanthropology Major古人類學主修
Sosyal Antropoloji Ana Bilim DalıSocial Anthropology Major社會人類學主修
2.Arkeoloji Bölümü
Klasik Arkeoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
2.Department of Archaeology
Classical Archaeology Major
Protohistorya ve Önasya Arkeolojisi Ana Bilim DalıProtohistory and Near Eastern Archaeology Major原始史和西亞考古學主修
Tarih Öncesi Arkeolojisi Ana Bilim DalıPrehistoric Archaeology Major史前考古學主修
3.Batı Dilleri ve Edebiyatları Bölümü
Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Çağdaş Yunan Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Hollanda Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Fransız Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Hungaroloji Ana Bilim Dalı

İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

İspanyol Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

İtalyan Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Romen Dili ve Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı
3.Department of Western Languages and Literatures
German Language and Literature Major

American Culture and Literature Major

Contemporary Greek Language and Literature Major

Dutch Language and Literature Major

French Language and Literature Major

Hungarian Studies Major

English Language and Literature Major

Spanish Language and Literature Major

Italian Language and Literature Major

Romanian Language and Literature Major










4.Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü4.Department of Information and Document Management4. 資訊與文獻管理系

5.Coğrafya Bölümü

Beşeri ve İktisadi Coğrafya Ana Bilim Dalı

Bölgesel Coğrafya Ana Bilim Dalı

Fiziki Coğrafya Ana Bilim Dalı

Türkiye Coğrafyası Ana Bilim Dalı
5.Department of Geography

Human and Economic Geography Major

Regional Geography Major

Physical Geography Major

Turkish Geography Major
5. 地理學系




6.Çağdaş Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları Bölümü

Güney-Batı Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Güney-Doğu Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Kuzey-Batı Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Kuzey-Doğu Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
6.Department of Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures

Southwest Turkish Dialects and Literature Major

Southeast Turkish Dialects and Literature Major

Northwest Turkish Dialects and Literature Major

Northeast Turkish Dialects and Literature Major

6. 現代土耳其方言與文學系




7.Dilbilim Bölümü

Genel Dilbilim Ana Bilim Dalı

Uygulamalı Dilbilim Ana Bilim Dalı
7.Department of Linguistics

General Linguistics Major

Applied Linguistics Major
7. 語言學系

8.Doğu Dilleri ve Edebiyatları Bölümü

Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı
Ana Bilim Dalı

Fars Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Hindoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Japon Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Kore Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Sinoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Urdu Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
8.Department of Eastern Languages and Literatures
Arabic Language and Literature Major

Persian Language and Literature Major

Indology Major

Japanese Language and Literature Major

Korean Language and Literature Major

Chinese Studies Major

Urdu Language and Literature Major
8. 東方語言與文學系







9.Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Edebiyatları Bölümü

Hititoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Latin Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Sumeroloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Yunan Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
9.Department of Ancient Languages and Literatures

Hittitology Major

Latin Language and Literature Major

Sumerology Major

Greek Language and Literature Major
9. 古代語言與文學系




10.Felsefe Bölümü
Bilim Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı

Sistematik Felsefe ve Mantık Ana Bilim Dalı

Felsefe Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
10.Department of Philosophy

History of Science Major

Systematic Philosophy and Logic Major

History of Philosophy Major
10. 哲學系



11.Halkbilim Bölümü

Etnoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Halkbilim Ana Bilim Dalı
11.Department of Folklore

Ethnology Major

Folklore Majo
11. 民俗學系


12.Kafkas Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü

Ermeni Dili ve Kültürü Ana Bilim Dalı
12.Department of Caucasian Languages and Cultures

Armenian Language and Culture Major
12. 高加索語言與文化系

13.Psikoloji Bölümü
Deneysel Psikoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Gelişim Psikolojisi Ana Bilim Dalı

Sosyal Psikoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Uygulamalı Psikoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
13.Department of Psychology

Experimental Psychology Major

Developmental Psychology Major

Social Psychology Major

Applied Psychology Major

13. 心理學系




14.Sanat Tarihi Bölümü14.Department of Art History14. 藝術史系
15.Slav Dilleri ve Edebiyatları Bölümü
Bulgar Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Polonya Dili ve Kültürü Ana Bilim Dalı

Rus Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
15.Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Bulgarian Language and Literature Major

Polish Language and Culture Major

Russian Language and Literature Major
15. 斯拉夫語言與文學系


16.Sosyoloji Bölümü
Genel Sosyoloji ve Metodoloji Ana Bilim Dalı

Kurumlar Sosyolojisi Ana Bilim Dalı

Toplumsal Yapı ve Değişme Ana Bilim Dalı

Uygulamalı Sosyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
16.Department of Sociology

General Sociology and Methodology Major

Institutional Sociology Major

Social Structure and Change Major

Applied Sociology Major
16. 社會學系




17.Tarih Bölümü

Eskiçağ Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
Genel Türk Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı

Orta Çağ Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı

Yakın Çağ Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı

Yeniçağ Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
17.Department of History

Ancient History Major

General Turkish History Major

Medieval History Major

History of the Republic of Turkey Major

Modern History Major
17. 歷史系




18.Tiyatro Bölümü
Dramatik Yazarlık Anasanat Dalı

Oyunculuk Anasanat Dalı

Tiyatro Tarihi ve Teorisi Ana Bilim Dalı
18.Department of Theatre
Dramatic Writing Main Art Major

Acting Main Art Major

Theatre History and Theory Major
18. 戲劇系


19.Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü

Eski Türk Dili Ana Bilim Dalı

Eski Türk Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı

Yeni Türk Dili Ana Bilim Dalı

Yeni Türk Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
19.Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Old Turkish Language Major

Old Turkish Literature Major

Modern Turkish Language Major

Modern Turkish Literature Major

19. 土耳其語言與文學系




校風 School spirit

Due to its rich language environment, The School of Language, History, and Geography (DTCF) frequently hosts international students and professors from diverse countries, resulting in a vibrant multilingual atmosphere. Local and international students enthusiastically engage in language and cultural exchanges. Many professors in the school have resided in Turkey for over a decade and are actively involved in promoting their cultures through courses and activities.

因為是文科生的大本營,加上離市中心kızılay 非常近,文史地學院也時常是學生們抗議與進行政治活動的聚集地。在校內也分成立場鮮明的左派與右派,若您有機會到文史地學院學習,當看見學院門口管制比以往嚴格、保全們開始聚集在校內並手拉著手排成人牆時,就是學生們有抗議或是左右派要發生衝突的時候了。
DTCF (School of Languages, History, and Geography) is known for its division between left-leaning and right-leaning individuals, each holding clear stances. Consequently, frequent political conflicts between these two sides are unavoidable. The location of DTCF near the city center of Kızılay makes it a popular gathering place for students to protest and engage in political activities.

If you ever visit DTCF and notice that entrance controls have become stricter than usual, with security guards forming a human wall by holding hands, it’s a sign that tensions between the left and right factions are escalating, and a clash between these groups may be imminent.

*圖片來源於網路 The picture originates from the internet


That being said, most of the time, DTCF is a peaceful environment where students can often be seen enjoying themselves, smoking, and chatting over tea or coffee in the courtyard. The school also has many cats and dogs roaming around, which swarm up to you and start asking for food in a way that melts your heart. However, there’s no need to worry about their well-being, as the school provides a sustainable food supply for these animals

學院內設施 School facilities

1.主要大樓 / Main Building / Ana Bina

一進入安卡拉大學第一個映入眼簾的便是主要大樓,在進入校園前的穿堂裡,在您的左側可以看到「學生事務處Öğrenci İşleri」,想要辦理學生文件(öğrenci belgesi)可以到此處辦理。

The main building is the first building that comes into your sight when entering the campus. Passing through the hall you can see student affairs office (Öğrenci İşleri) on your left side, where you can get your student documents (öğrencş belgesi).

右側可以看到Farabi salonu,裡頭有一個大講堂,通常會舉辦學術的聚會和講座。重要的學者來此演講時,當日的課程老師很有可能要求學生們出席演講。

on your right hand side you will see Farabi Hall, which is used for significant events such as speeches by important scholars.

*圖片來源於網路 The picture originates from the internet


As you enter the main campus area, you’ll notice a brick-red building immediately on your left side. Continuing forward, you’ll encounter a small wooden door that leads to the teaching area of the main building. This section primarily houses classrooms for history and geography-related departments, as well as classrooms and offices for the departments of Turkish and Arabic language and literature.


There is a deanship (dekanlık) on the first sloor, students are not allowed to cross here, so if you want to go to 105 calssroom on the first floor you have to go down from the second floor.

2.附屬大樓 / Annex Building / Ek Bina

The light yellow building on the right side of the campus is the annex building, also known as the Language Building (Diller Binası). This building serves as the office building for professors in the Departments of Eastern Languages and Literatures, as well as the Departments of Theater.

3.圖書館大樓 / Library Building / Kütüphane Binası


Opposite the annex building, there is another light yellow building that houses two libraries on the second and fourth floors. Additionally, this building contains classrooms for the Department of Sinology and the Department of Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures.

The libraries are of medium size and have a relatively rich collection of books. They are equipped with a few sockets and seating areas. The opening hours for these libraries are from 07:30 to 17:00.


如何影印? 將您想影印的檔案傳送至影印店的WhatsApp,再跟老闆說你傳好檔案,老闆便會幫您影印您需要的資料了!

On the first floor of the library building, there is a small stationery store where you can purchase course materials for photocopying, or find all your photocopying and stationery needs. Please note that the stationery store accepts cash only and does not provide card or mobile payment services.

For photocopying, simply send the file you want to copy to the store’s WhatsApp, and let the owner know that you’ve sent the file. The owner will then help you make the copies you need!

4.咖啡廳 Café

文史地學院內共有兩個咖啡廳,一個是位在中庭orta bahçe 的Expresso,另一個是位在圖書館大樓後方的Matbaa。

Expresso 內販賣影片與糕點,是學生們課餘時間一起坐下喝茶的好去處。茶水除了紅茶外價格都偏高,糕點部分有可頌、餡餅、甜甜圈、蛋糕等選擇。

*品項內的bubble tea並不是台灣用木薯粉做的有嚼勁的珍珠,而是像爆爆珠那樣一咬就破的珍珠,還請大家不要被騙了(=゚ω゚)ノ

there are two cafés. One is Espresso, located in the courtyard (orta bahçe), and the other is Matbaa, situated behind the library building.

Espresso offers drinks and pastries, making it a popular spot for students to relax and socialize during their free time. Prices for tea are relatively high, except for black tea. The pastry selection includes croissants, pies, doughnuts, cakes, and more.

Matbaa 則是自助式餐廳,提供吐司、飯、義大利麵、糕點與茶等食品。價格中規中矩,至櫃檯點餐後需要等候廚師叔叔大喊你的餐點名稱,聽到取餐區鈴聲響起時就可以去取餐。

Matbaa is a self-service restaurant offering toast, rice dishes, pasta, pastries, tea, and other foods. The prices are reasonable, and after placing your order at the counter, you’ll need to wait for the chef to call out your meal’s name. Once you hear the pickup area bell ring, you can take your order.

*品項內的Barbekü soslu tavuk 調味非常中式,想念亞洲味道的朋友們課餘時間不妨去試試看!

Matbaa 內有一位清潔叔叔的速度非常快,時常一用餐完或是當盤中只剩一根薯條時,他會用迅雷不及掩耳的速度衝到你的位置旁將你的餐盤收走,請大家小心一定要讓叔叔知道您還沒用完餐~
Inside Matbaa, there is a cleaning uncle who is very fast. Often, when you have finished your meal or when there is just one fry left on your plate, he will quickly rush to your table and clear your tray. Please be careful to let the uncle know if you haven’t finished your meal yet!

5.學生餐廳 / Canteen


要在學生餐廳用餐,首先需要有Kampüs kart,並在ATM儲值金額即可使用消費。





On the right side of the main campus, leading towards the basketball court, you’ll find a student cafeteria tucked away under the stairs of an annex building. The daily menu is displayed on a board with a chef logo, It typically includes rice, bread, some stewed meat, salad, and dessert combinations.

To dine at the canteen, you’ll need a Kampüs kart (campus card) loaded with funds, which can be done at an ATM.


  • Lunch: 20 Turkish Lira
  • Dinner: 40 Turkish Lira

For non-students or those without a student card, the price is 141 Turkish Lira.

6. 中庭 / courtyard / ortabahçe


Here is where people gathering together, drinking tea, coffee, amoking and chatting.

7. 前庭 / The Front Courtyard


庭院的中間有鄂圖曼帝國最著名的偉大建築師「錫南」(Mimar Sinan)的雕像。

The front courtyard is the only green space within the school. Here, you often see students relaxing, sitting, or lying on the grass, chatting and enjoying themselves.

In the middle of the courtyard stands a statue of the most famous architect of the Ottoman Empire, Mimar Sinan.

8.操場與玫瑰園 Söğütlü bahçe / Gül bahçesi


Söğütlü bahçe features a small basketball court and some seats where people can sit and eat or chat. During orientation week at the start of the school year, there are often bands performing there! From this area, you can also see the Başkentray train passing by.

玫瑰園是從Cafe Matbaa 往前庭走的小路上會看到的隱密綠地,但近年來因為沒有妥善照護,玫瑰並不多甚至有些雜亂。但如果想要一個安靜沒什麼人的地方的話那裡是個好去處!
Gül bahçesi ,The Rose Garden is a secluded green space that you’ll find along the path from Cafe Matbaa towards the frontcourtyard. In recent years, due to inadequate care, there aren’t many roses and the area may appear a bit unkempt. However, if you’re looking for a quiet place with few people around, it can still be a nice spot to visit


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This is the brief introduction of School of Languages and History-Geography of Ankara University. I hope this information will be helpful for those who may have the opportunity to visit in the future.

For a video tour of the campus visited by the author, please click this link or visit the official TürkiyeTayvan Instagram page!

If you have also visited here, feel free to leave a comment and share your experiences!


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